Oh Mother

Most of my close girlfriends, are Mothers.  Being a Mother seems to me one of the hardest jobs out there.  Yet these women day in and day out,  sacrifice their needs, wants and desires, to be everything to, and for, their children.  They are amazing women and such an inspiration to me and my silly, single, professional world.

But that’s not my point. The purpose of this entry is not about me. A first, I know.

My point is this.  Last week I was talking with one of my girlfriends, a Mother. I hadn’t seen her in 4 years; and in these years, she married an amazing man and had a baby boy, Asher.  He is one cuuutie patootie at 18 months.

What she spoke up about was the truth.  She said this. “Motherhood is hard.  It has had a huge impact on my marriage.  We (her husband and herself) have had an exhausting first year, and having a baby really tested our marriage.  At the beginning, we were at each other’s throats all the time, I honestly wasn’t sure if we were going to make it. ” She continued, “If other Mom’s don’t agree; they are lying, or in extreme denial.”

Her point?  That all around her were these other women, Friends & Mothers, who seemed to have somehow mastered and perfected the art of Mothering.  And, her most important finding was the more she openly talked about this subject with her Motherly friends, the more these woman could connect, share and communicate with one another their frustrations and hardships.  In turn,  all of these women didn’t feel so alone.


So, to conclude.  Women, Mothers, come on now.  Speak UP about the challenges in life, being a woman, a wife, a Mother.  Help other Mom’s not feel so alone.  All too often, things look so perfect from the outside, when in reality, the hidden truth of feeling exhausted & isolated, is kept secret.

The answer ? Support, lean on and share, share, share all of your experiences and challenges.  Help other Mom’s feel supported, nurtured and loved.

After all, isn’t that what being Mother really is about?

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1 Response to Oh Mother

  1. Genna Farrand says:

    My daughter is my greatest gift, but kids stress your relationship for sure, it’s unlike any other pressure. It’s also something all parents know, but never, ever talk about the expecting. And now as a parent, I would never tell a blissfully pregnant friend, hey, you’ll love your baby more than you imagined, but get ready to be homicidal from sleep deprivation. Oh, and your spouse, baby daddy, whatever, will never do half of the work you will, and you’ll probably be ready to pack your shit and leave before your kid turns 1, but other than that, it’s great!! It’s hard, really really hard, especially the 1st year. If we (mothers) weren’t so pumped full of oxytocin thanks to nature, we’d probably all run away from home. Okay, rant over.

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